Your support helps us to provide family planning, maternal health care, HIV care, prevention and other vital services to the people who need them most – poor, young, vulnerable and under-served.  Moreover, BOFWA as a member association for IPPFAR has been affected by the global gag rule which blocks critical funding for health services like contraception, maternal health, and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment for any organisation that refuses to sign up to it.

When it has been enacted by previous Republican Presidents, evidence has shown that the rule has not reduced the number of abortions; rather, by eliminating access to contraception, it has led to more unintended pregnancies and more unsafe abortions.

Your donation will be used to support BOFWA’s SRHR work. Below are our banking details, please add the word donate as part of your reference;


Bank name:First National Bank Botswana
Account number: 620 3163 0123
Branch name:Industrial
Branch Code:281667