The services we offer

BOFWA is a leading sexual and reproductive health service delivery and advocacy voice in the region. Our focus areas are,

STIs/RTI treatment

Testing , detection, management and treatment of RTI/ST.


Counselling and Provision of family planning services and contraceptives.

Safe Abortion Care

Pre and post abortion counselling and provision of safe abortion services.


Manual pelvic examination and manual breast examination and pap smear and VIA.

Get Involved By Donating Or Volunteering

Your support helps us to provide family planning, maternal health care, HIV care, prevention and other vital services to the people who need them most – poor, young, vulnerable and under-served.

Youth Action Movement

A youth structure open to youth aged 18 – 24 years aimed at empowering them with governance and leadership skills necessary for increasing their participation in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights programmes.

General Membership

Membership is open to youth aged 18-24 years.

Those wishing to run for YAM election, are requested to pay a P100 membership fee. Every three years, individuals are elected for the positions of YAM President, Vice-President, and Secretariat.


  • Individuals should posses a minimum of tertiary qualification (or pursuing) from a recognized institution
  • Familiar with youth development policies including Sexual and Reproductive Health

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Serve as a linkage between policy making bodies and youth membership.
  • Build local and international Partnerships
  • Catalyze Advocacy programmes
  • Participation in Governance and management
  • Linking SRH to Entertainment/Sport and other non SRH Development
  • Provide HIV/AIDS, SRH services and information.

Peer Educators

Peer educators can be effective role models for young adolescents by promoting healthy behavior, helping to create and reinforce social norms that support safer behaviors. BOFWA trains peer educators on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) who will be educating young people in the communities.

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